One Act Festival - June 2013

Feedback from the One Act Festival - June 2013, by Angela Fowler


Despite four nominations at the Drama Festival, sadly, no awards were made to Hoghton Players.


On the night of our play, the audience was asked to give a special round of applause to for Brian Hoyle's performance, his part being a difficult one with no cue lines. We hoped this might have led to an award....


Bernadette Nuttall got two nominations - one for best individual performance and the other for best actor. Millie Santus was nominated for Best Director and the play itself, From Here to the Library, by Jimmy Chinn, was nominated for best overall play. In addition, Derek Forrest's performance had pleased Sue McKay as she had been captivated by his voice and manner.


One of our members, Janet Dawson, had done a 35 minute monolgue on the Thgursday night on behalf of the Gilbert & Sullivan Society and she, very deservedly, won best actor/best performance.


We were delighted for her and she was kind enough to comment that she felt Bernadette should have got it for her performance!


All in all, a very enjoyable night and The Hoghton Players were once again, delighted to be involved and pleased that our acting and directing skills had been noted.

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